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The goal of [This Site] is the help make selecting your next horror movie viewing easier. Aren't you sick of looking up countless listicles of the best horror movies only to find your tastes don't align with the person that wrote it? Well, me too!
By crowd-sourcing people's opinions on a movie's gore factor, comedy factor, etc. (see Review Categories) I hope to help you find a movie that fits with your tastes better.
This site is still in the works (see Planned Updates) so I thank you for your patience. Your feedback is welcome and appreciated. Please send all the good, bad, and ugly things you have to say about it to NicholasJWood91@gmail.com.

There's plenty of things I want to implement so be on the look out for:
Better browsing functionality
Prettier pages
Mobile Optimization

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First, head over to the
Add Review page. By default, this page will show trending movies from
The Movie Database. If the movie you're looking for doesn't show, type in the search bar to find what you're looking for. If you still can't find what you're looking for, it's possible The Movie Database doesn't consider it a horror movie. Feel free to contact me if you feel something is wrong beyond that.
Once you've found the movie you're looking for, click the "Start Review" button.
Next, simply use the sliders to give a rating to each category. 0 means that category doesn't even register on the scale. 10 means that category is defined by that movie. More information on each category can be found below.
Last, select which ever tags you feel apply to the movie. If you can't find the tag you're looking for, look at the explanations below. If you still can't find the tag you're looking for, reach out to me.
After all that is complete, hit submit! If you later change your mind about the review, you can always modify it from your profile page.

All the information for each movie as well as trending movies and the search function are provided by The Movie Database's API. To learn more about their project,
click here.
Goriness: How much blood is spilled or how many body parts are cut off. The blood, the guts, the viscera, etc.
Campiness: How overly dramatic or exaggerated everything is. Whether it's intentional are not, the more of that there is, the campier it is.
Action: How much this movie gets your blood pumping, outside of the jump-scares.
Suspense: How much tension the movie builds and maintains. How close are you to the edge of your seat?
Scares: How good the scares are. Both jump-scares and long, drawn-out spooks.
Overall Enjoyment: Just because a movie barely registers on the rest of the categories doesn't mean you didn't like it. Likewise, maybe it hit everything off the charts but you still hated it. When you're doing the other categories, try to be as subjective as you can. Overall Enjoyment is the subjective category.
Action: Focused on action packed scenes. Think They Live or The Terminator.
Body Horror: Lots of cringing scenes of body mutilation. Think Saw or Human Centipede.
Comedy: An intentionally funny movie. Think Cabin in the Woods or Toxic Avenger.
Cosmic: Your eldritch beasts and creatures from beyond. Think The Call of Cthulhu or The Ritual.
Creature: From werewolves to sharks to Frankenstein's Monsters to zombies. Any sort of monster or creature. Think Alien or King Kong.
Disaster: A disaster provides the catalyst for the plot. Think The Mist or The Blob.
Erotic: Your psychosexual adventures. Or your XXX adventures, whatever floats your boat. Think From Beyond or Hellraiser.
Exploitation: Drugs, sex, and violence all at once. Think Last House on the Left or Planet Terror.
Folk: Involving folklore. Think The Wicker Man or VVitch.
Found Footage: A movie shot from a perspective other than your typical steady-cam flick. Think The Blair Witch Project or Cloverfield.
Gothic: The moody and dark films. Think I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House or Nosferatu.
International: As you can see, this website is in English. So anything outside of that.
Mystery: A mystery is a primary draw to the plot. Think Jacob's Ladder or Scream.
Occult: Satan, witchcraft, and cults. Think Longlegs or Evil Dead.
Paranormal: Your standard fair ghosts and poltergeists. Think Poltergeist or Paranormal Activity.
Post Apocolytic: The world has been devastated and our heroes must survive. Think A Quiet Place or 28 Days Later.
Psychological: Brain-fucky material. Or the scares are drawn from playing with your mind. Think Talk to Me or Black Swan.
Religious: God or gods play a prominent role in the lore. Think The Exorcist or The Conjuring.
Science Fiction: Technology or space takes center stage. Think Infinity Pool or The Fly.
Slasher: Serial killers and crazed killers are on the loose! Think Halloween or Texas Chainsaw Massacre.